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Apocalypse Later Roadshow

#8: FANtasm

#7 | #9

FANtasm was a new (old) name given to CopperCon, for which I'd programmed in 2013. They asked me back in 2014 and I was especially happy to not only put together a short film set but also introduce a number of audience members to my favourite film of all time, Peter Jackson's debut feature, Bad Taste.

I would have been honoured anyway that Jake Roberts, the director of Where Terror Sleeps was able to attend with some of his team, but I was especially honoured because his film was a last minute inclusion in the set. I can't remember what I was trying to program, but I was unable to reach the filmmakers for permission and so cast around for a replacement. By sheer coincidence, a Facebook friend, Michael Harrelson, was talking about a Lovecraftian short he'd made and kindly put me in touch with Roberts. I also programmed another local film, Bonnie Sowle's Closed Quarters.

I should also highlight that Lowell Northrop, director of Bar Talk, which is based on a Joe R. Lansdale short story, didn't merely grant permission for me to screen his film; he also sent a couple of 11x17 posters for me to give away. Thanks, Lowell!

Short Film Set

# Title Year Length Director Company Country Review IMDb Online?
1 Fhtagn! 2009 2m Miguel Santín Santín Animation Spain
2 Closed Quarters 2014 12m Bonnie Sowle Toast Productions USA IMDb YouTube
3 All I Think of is You 2012 8m Shad Clark Lost Road Films USA AL IMDb Vimeo
4 Bar Talk 2013 9m Lowell Northrop Munka Tunka Films USA IMDb Vimeo
5 Air 2011 15m Keir Burrows The Cast Iron Picture Co
Bandit Country
UK IMDb YouTube
6 Restitution 2013 13m Justin O'Neal Miller Alchemy Set USA AL IMDb Vimeo
7 Cargols! 2011 17m Geoffrey Cowper ESCAC Films Spain AL IMDb Vimeo
8 Where Terror Sleeps 2014 10m Jake Roberts Mr Beagle Productions USA Vimeo


# Title Year Length Director Company Country Review IMDb Online?
1 Bad Taste 1987 91m Peter Jackson WingNut Films New Zealand AL IMDb YouTube

Last update: 14th February, 2018